Far and away the easiest route to travel between Senegal and Mali is the one that takes you from Tambacounda to Kédougou in Senegal, and then to Kéniéba, Kita, Kati then Bamako in Mali. The route from Kayes via Diema has really declined over the past several years and the security situation around Diema and [...]
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Bamako has a storied and deserved reputation as a regional capital for live music. It's always possible to catch a show, even on the quieter nights of the week. But if you're new in town, or just passing through, you might have no idea where to begin. This is a map that will be constantly [...]

I am writing this on a bus in the United States. I am traveling to Washington, DC and eventually, Abidjan. This bus trip is the first leg of my trip. Some of the in-bus amenities include leather reclining seats, power outlets, wi-fi, on-board toilet and airconditioning. Buses in West Africa are typically less generous. While [...]